Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Day

Well we had a great Christmas day. Jack woke up at 7:15 and jumped into bed with us to open his stocking. I am extremely grateful for a 7:15 wakeup call, when Trudy and Billy and the kids were opening presents at 5:30am. We went and opened presents under the tree. He got a running bike which he loves riding around on, some bob the builder tools, a paddling pool, a camp chair etc. He chose to take his Bob the builder angle grinder to church ( as each kid takes a new toy to show off). He was very cute as he stood at the front of church and showed everyone his angle grinder with his safety glasses on. This is the first year he has been old enough to really take any interest in christmas, and he has certainly got the hang of opening presents. We had lunch with Steve's family and opened more presents. Jack had a great time hanging out with his cousins.

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